Android 14 Beta 4: Auto-Confirm Unlock Feature

Android 14 beta 4

Google released the Android 14 Beta 4 on Tuesday as they prepare for the final release of the operating system update. This new version primarily focuses on bug fixes but also introduces a useful feature to make unlocking easier.

The Beta 4 has an “auto-confirm unlock” feature in settings, which unlocks the phone instantly when you enter the correct PIN of six digits or more. Previously, you had to tap enter after typing in the PIN code.

Google warns users in the settings menu that auto-unlocking is less secure than having to confirm the action.

Furthermore, Android researchers, such as Mishaal Rahman, have observed that in the latest update, the Ring volume and Notification volume sliders are now fully separate, unlike in earlier beta versions where they were tied together.

In March, Google released the first developer beta for Android 14, followed by the first public beta in April.

As per the timetable announced by the company earlier in the year, Android 14 is expected to reach stability in July with the final version to be released afterwards. Google will likely launch the stable version of Android 14 in August.

Android 14 beta 4 timeline
Image Credit: Google

Android 14 includes an upgrade to the back gesture, per app language settings, a screenshot detection API, and a new photo picker that lets users give an app access to only certain photos.

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